Entrenching Capitalist Agriculture in India Under the Guise of “Development” | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: The Indian Government Is Self-inflicting India With A Humanitarian Crisis, writes Paul Craig Roberts. In exchange for bags of money government officials in India are producing a massive humanitarian and food crisis inside India for the profits of global agri-business, he says. Source: Entrenching Capitalist Agriculture in India Under the Guise of “Development” | Global…

John Key was known as the smiling assassin. And people still liked him | Alex Frankel | Opinion | The Guardian

KW: An interesting opinion peice on the departed. I’m not sure that I think his self annoited successor Bill English is going to enjoy the same easy road as Key appears to have driven not that I pass criticsm on English but without poster boy Key National has lost a lot of leverage I suggest….

Video of the Day – Congressman Calls Tucker Carlson a Russian Agent on Prime Time Television | Liberty Blitzkrieg

KW: The extent of paranoia in U.S. politics is displayed in this video. Yes, Putin and Russia are blamed again. Pathetic really.  “Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave… You’re carrying water for the Kremlin… you’re gonna have to move your show to Russian Television… you’re an apologist for the Kremlin.” This is…

Moscow slams West for staying silent on Russian hospital bombing — RT News

KW: Syria still has the potential to turn into a confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, particularly after the supposed agreement between John Kerry and Sergie Lavrov that has the ability to turn the ‘moderate rebels’ backed by the U.S. turn to full scale ISIS rebels as they are commanded to leave Aleppo. More hypocracy…

Gold Double-Slammed As ‘Traders’ Puke $3.5 Billion Notional Through Futures Markets | Zero Hedge

KW: No one has $3.5bn of real gold to sell but this graph shows just how desperate the central banker manipulators of the gold market are to ensure that gold does not become an alternative currency that ordinary people hold should the money system they manipulate falter with breakdowns following things like Brexit or an…