Hate Speech live and well in NZ: 1Law4All Subjected to Racist & Hate Speech Attacks | 1law4all

KW: 1 Law for All is a conservative political movement of mostly older or retired white European members that couldn’t get their act together sufficiently to become a political party at the last election or the one previos to that. “Led”  by some fairly decent people it remains as a pressure group seeking to bring…

Legal cannabis has potential to reduce harm, but many unknowns: PM’s chief science adviser – NZ Herald

KW: Two important referendums this year, the Legalise Cannabis and Right to Life Choice Euthinasia Referendums. Talking amongst my golfing mates, as a conservative straw poll, they are all for medicinal marijuana recognising the blatant facts that for some people the natural herb provides pain relief and assistance with many medical issues that manufactured drugs…

Three reasons why Jacinda Ardern’s coronavirus response has been a masterclass in crisis leadership – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

KW: No one really understood the emotions of what A nationwide LOCKDOWN would feel like but Prime Minister Jacinda Adern is winning praise for the way she has led New Zealand, yes even from Australia   As someone who researches and teaches leadership, I’d argue New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is giving most Western…

New Zealand becoming police state: Covid-19 lockdown to be taken seriously, but reporting neighbors & abuse of power goes too far — RT Op-ed

KW: New Zealanders in general (Maori and Pacific Islanders may disagree) have a healthy respect for the Police. However, if we observe trends globally if Police power is not strictly defined we see that granting police extraorinary powers has very harmful and detrimental results in almost 100% of instances becasue the part of the police…

New Zealand Unexpectedly Slashes Rates by 75bps To Record Low 0.25%; Warns Kiwi QE Coming | Zero Hedge

KW: So here we have it, panic in the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Probably rightly so too. But slashing interest rates at this time is going to do what? Encourage budding entrenprneurial business people to go out and borrow $500, 000 to buy a new Kenworth logging truck with the industry in chaos? Encourage…

Hawke’s Bay mayor says balanced solution better than National’s gang force strike unit plan – NZ Herald

KW: Todays announcement by National Party leader Simon Bridges that National will create a police “strike force unit to harass and disrupt gangs every single day” is breathtakingly stupid. Happily here in Hastings the local mayor Sandra Hazelhurst is showing more common sense when refuting the idea saying that more discussion in the community with…

‘Christchurch Call’ is a blueprint for more online censorship — and Zuckerberg is a big fan — RT Op-ed

KW: I was somewhat skeptical at the beginning but it seemsJacinda  Aderns French journey and meeting with Macron has worked out better then anyone could have expected. There she is, a New Zeland Prime Minister on a world stage and gettting global recognition for doing something positive. It is quite unique! I have heard first…