Senate Quietly Passes The “Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act” | Zero Hedge

KW: This bill will affect us here in New Zealand as well as everywhere else in the western world. The paranoia about Russian hacking of the U.S. election has reached hysteria levels as the Clinton, Bush, Obama/Clinton dynasty of rule seeks to explain the loss for Hillary Clinton rather than just owning the fact that…

Entrenching Capitalist Agriculture in India Under the Guise of “Development” | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: The Indian Government Is Self-inflicting India With A Humanitarian Crisis, writes Paul Craig Roberts. In exchange for bags of money government officials in India are producing a massive humanitarian and food crisis inside India for the profits of global agri-business, he says. Source: Entrenching Capitalist Agriculture in India Under the Guise of “Development” | Global…

Video of the Day – Congressman Calls Tucker Carlson a Russian Agent on Prime Time Television | Liberty Blitzkrieg

KW: The extent of paranoia in U.S. politics is displayed in this video. Yes, Putin and Russia are blamed again. Pathetic really.  “Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave… You’re carrying water for the Kremlin… you’re gonna have to move your show to Russian Television… you’re an apologist for the Kremlin.” This is…

Moscow slams West for staying silent on Russian hospital bombing — RT News

KW: Syria still has the potential to turn into a confrontation between the U.S. and Russia, particularly after the supposed agreement between John Kerry and Sergie Lavrov that has the ability to turn the ‘moderate rebels’ backed by the U.S. turn to full scale ISIS rebels as they are commanded to leave Aleppo. More hypocracy…

House Quietly Passes Bill Targeting “Russian Propaganda” Websites

KW: Russia bashing continues unabated with the degree of stupidity in American politics reaching an all new low point by actually passing a law against Russian Fake news infiltrating U.S. media and affecting the outcome of the U.S. election. Notably the Washington Post is principal in the advancement of this lie (joke). Interestingly many of…

Paul Craig Roberts interview about his application for a Russian passport

KW: Here is an interview regarding the Washington Post’s claims against Paul Craig Roberts. FRom RT: The American economist Paul Craig Roberts, who served under US President Ronald Reagan, explained the absurdity of independent news sources being labeled as Russian propaganda, in an interview with RT. In the aftermath of the US presidential election, the…

Obama Creates New Al-Qaeda Out of Thin Air to Justify His Somalia War | Liberty Blitzkrieg

KW: Just to drive the point home…another example of how the U.S. has traditionally attacked/invaded/gone to war with essentially defenseless third world countries with more lies this time about Somalia. Does this make understanding why Somali pirates rage against merchant vessells passing by more understandable because how long has the U.S. been active in Somalia?…