The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate – Consortiumnews

KW: This article by Ray McGovern follows glove like to our previous post from ZeroHedge and the interview by former Prosecutor Joe diGenova in his interview with the Daily Caller. This news is big as to just how Trump has been framed by Obama and Clinton and as New Zealand is a contributor of taxpayers $’s to the Clinton Foundation it has relevance for all New Zealanders. Just what was John Key up to in giving away our taxes to a corrupt organsiation like the Clinton foundations? We will investigate, its not the only thing John Key did while Prime Minister.

As regard this story we now learn that the FBI has just declared that it has “lost” 5 months of text messages between two of the anti Trump plotters in the Clinton campaign just like her 33,000 emails that were ‘wiped’. and so it goes on

Special Report: In the Watergate era, liberals warned about U.S. intelligence agencies manipulating U.S. politics, but now Trump-hatred has blinded many of them to this danger becoming real, as ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern notes.By Ray McGovernRussia-gate is becoming FBI-gate, thanks to t

Source: The FBI Hand Behind Russia-gate – Consortiumnews