Republicans Sitting On Evidence That Clears Trump –

KW: What is happening right now in the U.S. is incredible almost unbelievable and what I am going to do is basically post all of Paul Craig Roberts articles on the Russigate story and let him unravel the story bit by bit from an American view point for readers to follow. He is equally harsh on the Republicans as he is with the Democrats. But what we are seeing is a war break out amongst the U.S. media. The vast majority continue with the mantra of Russian Collusion with Trump and the Mueller Investigation into this as though it is going to produce hared eveidence after over a year of investigations and acusations. So far no evidence has been produced and anyone who talked to Russians did so becasue it was part of their job. Now in a frenzy over the facts that there was a huge cover-up and illegal tactics not from Trump but from the Obama/Clinton campaign and that Fox News is reporting on this continually (Google Fox New – Hannity to see these reports) mainstream media has gone into overdrive in its attempt to make something out of the narative they chose to pursue and are desperately trying to rubbish the potential damning reports about Clinton campaign criminal activity. There is a split right down the middle as America continues to unwind. Our media simply follows the mainstream without any individual doing any work on it – shameful.

Republicans Sitting On Evidence That Clears Trump The Stupid Party Remains Stupid Paul Craig Roberts In the 1970s neoconservative Irving Kristol aptly desc

Source: Republicans Sitting On Evidence That Clears Trump –