Lockheed Agrees To Cut F-35 Price Below $100 Million In Latest Victory For Trump | Zero Hedge

KW: Paul Craig Roberts has in the past stated that in his opinion the difference between what the Russians do in regard to defense spending and what the U.S. does goes something like this. In  the U.S. it’s not about building the best aircraft or ship its about gouging the U.S. taxpayer for as much as they can and pocketing as much personally as they can rather than what the Russians/Chinese are doing and that is building the best performing weapons, planes, ships as possible for their country with pride.

It has long been known that the replacement fighter for the F-16 (The F-35) has been exceptionally expensive and it’s a poor performing dog in comparison to the latest Russian fighter the Sukhoi Su-35. So it’s interesting just how fast the F-35 builders are scrabling to make amends with Trump not yet inaugerated. He is having a big impact already in breaking up the cosy if not incestuous relationships that existed in the U.S. military.

Less than a month after president-elect Trump first tweeted about the F-35’s high costs, and a week after he brought up the F-35 in his first press conference, Reuters reports that The U.S. Department of Defense and Lockheed Martin are close to deal for a contract worth almost $9 billion as negotiations are poised to bring the price per F-35 below $100 million for the first time.

Source: Lockheed Agrees To Cut F-35 Price Below $100 Million In Latest Victory For Trump | Zero Hedge