Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: Well, well, that escalated fast! Who could have guessed this? Lets face it Rumsfeld, the day before something (they even said it was a hijacked commercial airliner, although there were no airline debris)  hit the Pentagon on 9/11, a direct hit in the audit office to be particular, said it was $2.3 trillion back then so I suppose $6.5 trillion now is right on target when you take into account inflation (oh thats right inflation is only 1.5% isn’t it so can’t be that) expenses, bonuses and out right rooting of the ignorant American taxpayer, this quite staggering amount of corruption is why America always looses the wars they fight. It’s not about winning it’s about the elite pocketing staggering amounts of cash…. but that’s only my view of course.

“Where is the money going? Nobody knows,” said Franklin Spinney, a retired military analyst for the Pentagon and critic of Defense Department planning, cited by Reuters. Not surprisingly, trying to figure out where the adjustments are has proven to be impossible. Jack Armstrong, a former Defense Inspector General official in charge of auditing the Army General Fund, said the same type of unjustified changes to Army financial statements already were being made when he retired in 2010. The Army issues two types of reports – a budget report and a financial one. The budget one was completed first. Armstrong said he believes fudged numbers were inserted into the financial report to make the numbers match. “They don’t know what the heck the balances should be,” Armstrong said.

Here is what $1 trillion in $100 bills looks like, now multiply by 6 and a half.

Source: Pentagon Cannot Account For $6.5 Trillion Dollars | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization