Saker interview with Michael Hudson on Venezuela, by The Saker and Michael Hudson – The Unz Review

KW: This is an excellent interview revealing a lot of the background manouvres that nearly all don’t realise happens. “By imposing sanctions that prevent Venezuela from gaining access to its U.S. bank deposits and the assets of its state-owned Citco, the United States is making it impossible for Venezuela to pay its foreign debt. This is forcing it into default, which U.S. diplomats hope to use as an excuse to foreclose on Venezuela’s oil resources and seize its foreign assets much as Paul Singer hedge fund sought to do with Argentina’s foreign assets.” — Michael Hudson

Michael Hudson is not only the best economst in the world but also almost the only economist in the world. Neoliberal economists are fake economists who provide cover for American businesses to plunder foreign countries. – PC Roberts

Introduction: There is a great deal of controversy about the true shape of the Venezuelan economy and whether Hugo Chavez’ and Nicholas Maduro’s reform and policies were crucial for the people of Venezuela or whether they were completely misguided and precipitated the current crises. Anybody and everybody seems to have very strong held views about […]

Source: Saker interview with Michael Hudson on Venezuela, by The Saker and Michael Hudson – The Unz Review