Does the Local Government Act Amendment Bill result in Amalgamation by Stealth? Local Body Developments | NZCPR Site

KW: After Amalgamation failures in Northland, Hawke’s Bay and Wellington is the National government attempting to do this via the backdoor while everyone watches the Rio Olympics?…….. Submitted by a reader It seems that Laurence Yule is planning to force amalgamation on Hawke’s Bay.  The following letter was in the Dominion Post: Letters to the…

New law targets people who leak classified information – Politics – NZ Herald News

KW: Wake up folks! This is the most significant piece of legislation of John Keys career. People who expose possible criminal actions or cover up of our government will be silenced with imprisonment. The denial that it is not spurred on from the Edward Snowden leaks is really lame because ‘nice Mr Prime Minister John…

GMOs Produced through “Gene-editing”: European Commission Fails to Regulate New GMOs after Intense US Lobbying | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

KW: There will be no difference here in New Zealand where under TPPA corporates like Monsanto will be able sue to have their GMO products used even if there are local laws or declarations banning GMO products. Source: GMOs Produced through “Gene-editing”: European Commission Fails to Regulate New GMOs after Intense US Lobbying | Global…

Monsanto threatens to quit Indian GM-cotton market if govt cuts its royalties — RT News

While this article relates to India it has special ramifications for New Zealand and the TPPA agreement that the National government ell us is such a great story. Whatever is said by those arguing the agreement is a ‘free trade agreement’ it will empower corporates – and they will do what they want whenever they…