Cancelled concert calls Lorde to meet Israel’s ambassador to NZ – NZ Herald

KW: One can only feel for Lorde who took the brave, logical and sensible decision to cancel her concert in Tel Aviv now that she took time to understand the appaling treatment of Palestinians by Israel in a land they once owned but has been stolen from them because of Israels illegal settlement and occupation…

John Key, mass surveillance and what really happened when Edward Snowden accused him of spying – NZ Herald

KW: Has teflon John Key been exposed once more a misleading (lying) about the truth on suveilance in NZ? What we do know from people in the U.S. that have tested claims made is that Edward Snowden is always accurate and correct with any of his assertions about NSA surveilance of Americans and Julian Assange…

Kaikoura quake not ‘the big one’, say scientists who fear 9.0 magnitude shake – NZ Herald

KW: If this event occurs during our lifetime I can imagine that there will be chaos in New Zealand for a very long time. The video is very interesting and worth a watch. Scientists say a quake on the Hikurangi subduction zone could prove even more devastating. Source: Kaikoura quake not ‘the big one’, say…

Kim Dotcom makes police pay heavy price for ‘military-style’ dawn raid — RT World News

KW: Funny how you have to go to RT to get any meaningful commentary on a high profile case of importance to all New Zealanders? Kim Dotcom reached a financial settlement with New Zealand cop over the military-style raid on the Megaupload founder’s mansion in 2012. Source: Kim Dotcom makes police pay heavy price for ‘military-style’…

Doomsday Prep for the Super-Rich | The New Yorker

KW: Billionaires are now spending tens of millions of dollars on secure hideouts to flee in the instance of a breakdown in  (American) society. They have features of water and food, guns and ammo, private security guards and strategic depth. In hidden Facebook groups, the ultra-wealthy reveal that they’re secretly communicating on strategy and secure locations….

A Look At How Nestle Makes Billions Selling You Groundwater In A Bottle | Zero Hedge

KW: The NZ election has exposed the raw nerve of water exploitation for profit by water bottling companies. Of coarse behind all exploitation of the environment is big business and corporates focused on  maximising the dollar return. This article shows just HOW MUCH they are making at the expense of local people whose environment is…

Clark hits out over Ardern ‘pretty communist’ attack – NZ Herald

KW: There is the biggest division between rural and urban that I have known for decades. As this article points out Jacinda Adern and the Labour Party have huge opposition in rural electorates with the accusation of her being a communist(whats that?) simply being the current hi-lite of that division. Th election has polarised this…

World Anti-Doping Agency Clears 95 Russian Athletes – The New York Times

KW: So the mountain of evidence that showed Russian athletes were doping turns out to be scant or non existent, yet in the same breath we learn that the  New Zealand Olympic Committee has  just renewed calls for a complete ban on Russian Athletes for the upcoming winter olympics due to Russian systemic cheating in…